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Supply List: Week 1

WELCOME to week 1 of 25 Days of Toddler Play!! I hope you're as excited as I am!

Here are the supplies you'll need for week 1. I'll be revealing each of the activities throughout the week, but you might be able to figure out what each activity is based on the supplies you'll need.

**This post contains affiliate links, which means that Imperfectly Ali gets a small commission when you buy through these links. Thank you for supporting me!

Click on the picture to get this flower kit for Day 5! (Aff. link)

Day 1

  • A cupcake/muffin tin

  • Small waterproof toys that will fit in the muffin tin - alphabet refrigerator magnets work perfectly for this. I also used Duplo Legos, some blocks (beware if your blocks are wood),

  • To prep for this activity, place the toys in the wells of the muffin tin, fill with water, and freeze.

Day 2

  • A plastic/waterproof tablecloth (we have this one and use it SO often)

  • Small cups, spoons, scoops, etc. If you have a tea set, this is a great time to use it. I prefer metal tea sets that are non gender specific.

Day 3

  • Cardboard box (shoebox size or larger)

  • Paper, pencils, envelopes - any size/shape

Day 4

  • Play Doh (I buy play doh because I simply don't have time to make it. If your child is celiac, or you prefer to make your own play dough for any reason, there are sooo many mom bloggers out there with amazing recipes!)

  • Popsicle sticks (I like these wide ones) or golf tees (you'll be needing golf tees for next week anyway, so may as well stock up now)

Day 5

  • BIRANCO Flower Garden Kit. (As of March 13, it happens to be on sale for 25% off!) I've got a whole blog post for you this week about the many, many wonderful ways you can use this kit. Suffice it to say, no matter what gender your child is or how they like to play, there is a way for them to have fun with this toy.

Don't Forget About the Giveaway!

Head over to my Instagram to participate in the giveaway! All you need to do is post yourself or your kids doing these activities (doesn't have to be on the same day as I do them). You can do stories, reels, posts, whatever you prefer, as long as you TAG ME @imperfectlyali (or else I won't know about your post!)

  • Every time you post & tag @imperfectlyali is one entry.

  • You can even tag me in a post with a pile of your gathered supplies - that counts!!

  • At the end of the 25 days, I'll be giving away this trampoline (the number 1 most used toy in our home) to a lucky winner!



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I'm a mama, DIY enthusiast, and my own worst critic, on the road to fulfillment in imperfection. Thanks for stopping by!

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